I wanted to show you something that I do pretty often and looks amazing!
I’m talking about naturally getting the curly effect, without using an electrical curler. That’s right, no heat curls, girls 🙂 !
For those of you who don’t know how they look like, or how to make them I’m gonna show you:
To start, you’re going to need ribbons. I have a LOT of them, and I keep them in my dressing room.
Naturally, this will be done on freshly washed hair.
1.So, after washing, dry your hair with a towel. Leave it wet, but not soaking.
32.Take a small strand of hair and fold it into a little curl, tying it loosely with one of the ribbons. Then, repeat and make a bunch of these curls around the head.
43.Leave them like this overnight  🙂
5The next morning you untie the ribbons and … taadaa, you have curly hair! It looks really cool!
Tip: use hairspray as a final touch 😉
This method works best for me, as I have to wake up early & go to school.
Another quick version would be this:
After you wash your hair, you get the excess water out with a towel so that it’s not too wet. Then you do the thing with the ribbons and create the curls with the wet hair. After which you blow dry your hair with the curls on. When finished, take off the ribbons and you have curly hair again obvi (and don’t forget to use hairspray after…again 🙂 ) This is an instant method, like if you want curls right now 🙂
Or, you could use a curler … lol, but the no heat curls method looks more natural.

That was it for this beauty article.
Hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you next time.
XOXO, Noelle
